
Titel Author Year Type
Wissenschaftstheorie 1: Grundlagen und Analytische Wissenschaftstheorie Esser, Hartmut and Klenovits, Klaus and Zehnpfennig, Helmut 1977 Book
Wissensbasisverwaltung für {LILOG} Gust, H. and Grothaus, M. 1988 Techreport
Wissensbasierter natürlichsprachlicher {Z}ugang zu unterschiedlichen {D}iskursbereichen mit dem {KI}-{S}ystem {HAM}-{ANS} T. Christaller and W. von Hahn and W. Hoeppner and H. Marburger and K. Morik 1982 Inproceedings
Wissensbasierte Greifplanung für Mehrfinger--Roboterhände Günter Wöhlke 1992 Book
Wissensakquisition: Stand der Dinge und Perspektiven Linster, Marc 1989 Unpublished
Wissen über {R}aum und {Z}eit C. Habel and M. Herweg and S. Pribbenow 1993 Incollection
Winning the KDD99 Classification Cup: Bagged Boosting Bernhard Pfahringer 2000 Article
Why Should Machines Learn? Simon, Herbert A. 1983 Incollection
Why Semantic Networks? Lokendra Shastri 1991 Incollection
Why Isn't Everyone a Bayesian? Efron, B. 1990 Incollection
Why are some problems hard? Evidence from Tower of Hanoi K. Kotovsky and J.R. Hayes and H.A. Simon 1985 Article
Why Are New Trends in Conceptual Representation a Challenge to Piaget's Theory? Scholnick, Ellin Kofsky 1983 Incollection
Why and How Program Synthesis? Yves Kodratoff and marta Franova and Derek Partridge 1989 Inproceedings
Why AC-3 is Almost Always Better than AC-4 for Establishing Arc Consistency in CSPs Richard J. Wallace 1993 Inproceedings
When Oracles Do Not Help Slaman, Theodore A. and Solovay, Robert M. 1991 Inproceedings
When functional and Bijective constraints make a {CSP} polynomial Philippe David 1993 Inproceedings
What's Wrong with Non--Monotonic Logic? Israel, D. J. 1987 Incollection
What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks Woods, William A. 1985 Incollection
What's in a Link Woods, W.A. 1975 Incollection
What's in a Concept: Structural Foundations for Semantic Networks Brachman, R.J. 1977 Article
What some concepts might not be Armstrong, S.L. and Gleitman, L.R. and Gleitman, H. 1983 Article
What Online Machine Learning Can Do For Knowledge Acquisition - A Case Study Edgar Sommer and Katharina Morik and Jean-Michel Andre and Marc Uszinsky 1994 Article
What Makes Patterns Interesting in Knowledge Discovery Systems Silberschatz, Avi and Tuzhilin, Alexander 1996 Article
What is Wrong With Us? Improving Robustness Through Social Diagnosis Gal Kaminka and Milind Tambe 1998 Inproceedings
What is planning in the presence of sensing Levesque, H. J. 1996 Inproceedings
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