
Titel Author Year Type
Introduction: Cognitive Autonomy in Machine Discovery Zytkow, Jan M. 1993 Article
Interactive Mining of Regularities in Databases Zytkow, J. and Baker, J. 1991 Incollection
Psychoakustik Zwicker, E. 1982 Book
Machine learning by function decomposition Zupan, B. and Bohanec, M. and Bratko, I. and Demsar, J. 1997 Inproceedings
How to preprocess large databases Zücker, Regina and Kietz, Jörg--Uwe 2000 Inproceedings
{M}ultiobjective {E}volutionary {A}lgorithms: {A} {C}omparative {C}ase {S}tudy and the {S}trength {P}areto {A}pproach Zitzler, E. and Thiele, L. 1999 Article
{P3}: A Parallel Network Simulating System Zipser, D. and Rabin, D. E. 1989 Incollection
Biologically Plausible Models of Place Recognition and Goal Location Zipser, D. 1989 Incollection
{A}utomatic extraction of music descriptors from acoustic signals using EDS Zils, A. and Pachet, F. 2004 Inproceedings
Discretization methods in supervised learning Zighed, D.A. and Rabaseda, S. and Rakotomalala, R. and Feschet F. 1999 Incollection
The Discovery, Analysis and Representation of Data Dependencies in Databases Ziarko, W. 1991 Incollection
Kernel Logistic Regression and the Import Vector Machine Zhu, Ji and Hastie, Trevor 2001 Inproceedings
Exploting Unlabeled Data in Content-Based Image Retrieval Zhou, Zhi-Hua and Chen, Ke-Jia 2004 Inproceedings
The {DGX} Distribution for Mining Massive, Skewed Data Zhiqiang Bi and Christos Faloutsos and Flip Korn 2001 Inproceedings
Knowledge Reduction and Integration in Probabilistic Expert Systems Zhi Gong and C. Asano and M. Ichimura and Guo, Jianhua and Gong, Ming 1994 Article
{G}enerating {C}lassifier {C}ommittees by {S}tochastically {S}electing both {A}ttributes and {T}raining {E}xamples Zheng, Zijian Inproceedings
Empirical and theoretical comparisons of selected criterion functions for document clustering. Machine Learning Zhao, Y. and Karypis, G. 2004 Inproceedings
{BIRCH}: {A}n {E}fficient {D}ata {C}lustering {M}ethod for {V}ery {L}arge {D}atabases Zhang, Tian and Ramakrishnan, Raghu and Livny, Miron 1996 Inproceedings
{B}irch: A new data clustering algorithm and its applications Zhang, Thian and Ramakrishnan, Raghu and Livny, Miron 1997 Article
{C}ontent-based {C}lassification and {R}etrieval of {A}udio Zhang, T. and Kuo, C. 1998 Inproceedings
Exploiting Causal Independencies in Bayesian Network Inference Zhang, Nevin Lianwen and Poole, David 1996 Article
Learning Wighted Prototypes Using Genetic Algorithms Zhang, Jianping and Fan, Qiu 1996 Incollection
Learning Graded Concept Descriptions by Integrated Symbolic and Subsymbolic Strategies Zhang, Jianping 1994 Incollection
Integrating Symbolic and Subsymbolic Approaches in Learning Flexible Concepts Zhang, J. 1991 Inproceedings
{S}ervice {D}isciplines for {G}uaranteed {P}erformance {S}ervice in {P}acket-{S}witching {N}etworks Zhang, Hui 1995 Inproceedings
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