
Titel Author Year Type
An Assessment of Tools for Building large Knowledge-Based Systems Mettrey, William winter 1987 Article
Mental Models of the Day/Night Cycle Stella Vosniadou and William Brewer to appear 1993 Article
Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems Gaines, B.R. September 1987 Inproceedings
Mediating Representations in Knowledge Elicitation Johnson, N. September 1987 Inproceedings
Role of Psychological Techniques and Intermediate Representations in Knowledge Elicitation Young, R.M. and Gammack, J. September 1987 Inproceedings
A Methodology for Integrating Knowledge Acquisition Techniques Joachim Diederich and Marc Linster and Ingo Ruhmann and Thomas Uthmann September 1987 Techreport
{KRIMB}: An Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Program for Interactive Model Building Cox, L.A. and Blumenthal, R. September 1987 Inproceedings
{KL-ONE} - eine Familie neuerer {KI}-Formalismen Kai von Luck September 1986 Techreport
{DISCIPLE}: An Interactive Approach to Learning Apprentice Systems Yves Kodratoff and Gheorghe Tecuci September 1986 Techreport
Automatische Akquisition von inferentiellem Wissen Emde, Werner and Habel, Christopher and Rollinger, Claus-Rainer September 1982 Inproceedings
The Problem of Intelligent Example Selection Edwina L. Rissland October 1987 Inproceedings
Creating High Level Knowledge Structures from Primitive Elements Michael Pazzani October 1987 Inproceedings
Expertise Transfer and Complex Problems: Using {AQUINAS} as a Knowledge Acquisition Workbench for Expert Systems John H. Boose and Jeffrey M. Bradshaw November 1986 Inproceedings
{MOLE}: A Tenacious Knowledge Acquisition Tool Larry Eshelman and Damien Ehret and John McDermott and Ming Tan November 1986 Inproceedings
An Overview of Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer Brian R. Gaines November 1986 Inproceedings
{YAKYAK} - Yet Another Kit for Your Acquisition of Knowledge Jim Kornell November 1986 Inproceedings
Generic Tasks for Knowledge-Based Reasoning: The ``Right'' Level of Abstraction for Knowledge Acquisition T. Bylander and B. Chandrasekaran November 1986 Inproceedings
Generalization in a Noisy Environment: The need to integrate symbolic and numeric techniques in learning Yves Kodratoff and Michel Manago November 1986 Inproceedings
A Foundational Approach to Autonomous Knowledge Acquisition in Knowledge-Based Systems James P. Delgrande November 1986 Inproceedings
Induction of Horn Clauses: Methods and the Plausible Generalization Algorithm Wray Buntine November 1986 Inproceedings
The {KREME} Knowledge Editing Environment Glenn Abrett and Mark H. Burstein November 1986 Book
Enhanced Maintenance and Explanation of Expert Systems Through Explicit Models of Their Development Robert Neches and William R. Swartout and Johanna D. Moore November 1985 Article
Beyond {XPLAIN}: Toward More Explainable Expert Systems William R. Swartout May 1986 Inproceedings
Learning Function Descriptions From Examples N.S. Flann May 1986 Mastersthesis
Assoziatives diagnostisches Problemlösen mit dem Expertensystem {MED2} Puppe, Frank Juni 1986 Phdthesis
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