Neural Nets

Publication Mitchell/97b: Machine Learning
Name Neural Nets

The topic of Neural Networks has its own Network of Excellence, the "NEuroNet". Please follow the link for more information.

A neural network is composed of a number of nodes connected by links. Each link has a numeric weight associated with it. Weights are the primary means of of long-term storage in the network, and learning takes place by updating the weights. Some of the nodes are connected to the external environment, and can be designated as input or output nodes.

More specific
Biological analogy

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) form a family of inductive techniques that mimic biological information processing. Most animals possess a neural system that processes information. Biological neural systems consist of neurones, which form a network through synaptic connections between axons and dendrites. With these connections, neurones exchange chemo-electrical signals to establish behaviour. Neural can adapt their behaviour by changing the strength of these connections; more complex learning behaviour can occur by forming new connections. Changes in connections, and new connections, grow under influence of the signal exchange between neurones.

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Figure 7. Biological neural tissue. Neural cells (a), axons (b) and dendrites (c) are visible. Where axons touch dendrites or nuclei, synaptic contacts are formed. Figure 8. Layered artificial neural network. On the left, a pattern is coded. The activation rule propagates the pattern to the right side through the central layer, using the weighted connections. From here, the output can be read. Based on the input-output relation, the learning rule may update the weights

Artificial implementation

Artificial neural networks are simplified models of the biological counterpart. They consist of the following elements:

  1. Processing units (models of neurones)
  2. Weighted interconnections (models of neural connections)
  3. An activation rule, to propagate signals through the network (a model of the signal exchange in biological neurones)
  4. A learning rule (optional), specifying how weights are adjusted on the basis of the established behaviour

The most common ANN are structured in layers (see Figure 8), with an input layer where data is coded as a numeral pattern, one or more hidden layers to store intermediate results, and an output layer that contains the output result of the network.

Neural Network Model Representation

In contrast to symbolic techniques such as decision trees (see link above) the representation of knowledge in a neural network is not easy to comprehend. The set of weights in a network, combined with input and output coding, realises the functional behaviour of the network. As illustrated in Figure 3, such data does not give humans an understanding of the learned model.

Some alternative approaches for representing a neural network are:

  • Numeric: show the weight matrix; not very informative, but illustrates why a neural network is called sub-symbolic: the knowledge is not represented explicitly, but contained in a distributed representation over many weight factors.
  • Performance: show that a neural network performs good on the concepts in the data set, even better than other techniques, and do not try to interpret de model
  • Extract knowledge: techniques exist to extract the model captured in a neural network, e.g. by running a symbolic technique on the same data or by transferring a NN model into an understandable form. Techniques exist to extract statistical models and symbolic models from NN.
Example Languages Numerical Values
Dm Step Function Approximation
Method Type Method