Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)

Publication Dehaspe/Toivonen/2001a: Discovery of relational association rules
Goethals/Bussche/2002a: Relational Association Rules: Getting WARMeR
Horvath/etal/2000a: Rational instance-based learning with lists and terms
Morik/Brockhausen/97a: A Multistrategy Approach to Relational Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Plotkin/70a: A note on inductive generalization
Plotkin/71a: A further note on inductive generalization
Name Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)

The Inductive Logic Programming examines different restrictions of first-order logic and different inference operators in order to find efficient ways of generating generalizations of data sets (usually a set of ground facts, e.g. given in the form of a relational database), or specializations of theories to no longer imply negative examples. It should be possible to give certain guarantees for the results, to make the methods more attractive for users.

The reason restrictions of first-order logic are examined is the demand for tractable formalisms.
The main questions addressed by the Inductive Logic Programming are

  • which hypotheses space to choose,
  • which language to choose to represent examples,
  • how to restrict inference.
The hypotheses language is a restriction of first-order logic, most frequently a restriction of Horn clauses. Note, that Horn clauses are particularly well suited for the representation of grammars (syntax).

One is especially interested to be able to guarantee

  1. that the generalizations of a data set is most specific within the hypothesis space, or
  2. that a hypothesis is a spezialization of a formula that is as general as possible, given some specific demands.

Dm Step Characterization (Descriptive Setting)
Concept Learning
Syntax/Grammar/Automata - Learning
Methods Bottom-Up Induction of Horn Clauses