Bottom-Up Induction of Horn Clauses

Name Bottom-Up Induction of Horn Clauses

A method to induce horn clauses in Inductive Logic Programming,

  • covering a given set of positive examples, but
  • being as specific as possible,
is to perform a bottom-up search through the hypothesis language.


  • All examples are ground facts with the same predicate symbol and arity.
  • Background knowledge B may be given in the form of other, extensionally defined predicates.
  • The first example may be considered as a first hypothesis.
  • Whenever a new example is read, that cannot be derived from the background knowledge and the actual horn clause, a generalization step has to be performed.

So the generalization step leads from an insufficiently general horn clause h to another horn clause h':

  • If an example can be derived from B and h, then this example can be derived from B and h´ as well.
  • Additionally the new example can be derived by h´.

To find such a hypothesis h´ the least general generalization and the inverse resolution provide suitable procedures. An algorithm using these procedures is GOLEM.
Specialization GOLEM
Example Languages Ground Facts
Hypothesis Language Restricted First Order Logic
Dm Step Concept Learning
Method Type Method
Theories Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)