Naive Bayes

Name Naive Bayes

The Naive Bayes Classifier method is applicable to the task of concept learning.

  • It reads a set of examples in attribute-value representation and
  • uses Bayes theorem to estimate the posterior probabilities of all classifications.
  • For each instance of the example language a classification with highest posterior probability is chosen as the prediction.

For the Naive Bayes method the following assumption is essential:
Let x = < x1, ..., xn > be an instance of the example language and c ∈ C a possible classification. Then Prob(x | c) = ∏i∈{1,..,n} Prob(xi | c).

This assumption is justified, if the attributes are independent from each other.

Using this assumption the classification c ∈ C with maximum posterior probability Prob(c | x) is the one that maximizes the expression P(c) * ∏i∈{1,..,n} Prob(xi | c).

The learner estimates the required probabilities by calculating the corresponding frequencies observed in the example set.

Dm Step Concept Learning
Method Type Method
Theories Bayesian Learning