Bayesian Learning
Publication |
Mitchell/97b: Machine Learning
Name |
Bayesian Learning |
Description |
Bayesian Learning constitutes a probabilistic view of learning,
based on Bayes Theorem. The underlying assumption is, that
there is a set of hypotheses, each having a certain probability
of being correct. Receiving more information changes the probabilities
from a learner's point of view. For instance an observation might
contradict a hypothesis, or strengthen the belief in it.
The aim in this setting is to be able to find a hypothesis with highest
probability of being correct, given a specific set of data / piece of
Bayes Theorem:
- ... P be a probability distribution.
- ... hi, i ∈ {1, ..., n} denote a set of hypotheses.
- ... P(hi) denote the probability of hi being
correct in the general case, that is without being given any additional
information. P(hi) is called the prior probability of
- ... D denote a set of data.
- ... P(D) be the probability of the information denoted by D being
correct in the general case.
- ... P(D | hi) denote the probability of the information D
being correct, given the correctness of hypothesis hi.
- ... P(hi | D) denote the probability of the correctness of
hypothesis hi, given the additional information D.
This is called the posterior probability of hypothesis hi.
Bayes Theorem:
P(h | D) = P(D | h) * P(h) / P(D)
This theorem allows us to find a hypothesis h'with maximum posterior probability,
given the prior probabilities of all hypotheses and the probabilities of D
being correct under the assumption of each single hypothesis being correct:
h' := | max | [ P(D | hi) * P(hi) ] |
| hi | |
Dm Step |
Concept Learning
Methods |
Naive Bayes