Gaerdenfors' Postulates

Publication Gaerdenfors/88a: Knowledge in Flux --- Modeling the Dynamics of Epistemic States
Name Gaerdenfors' Postulates

Gaerdenfors has set up six postulates, every revision operator shall fulfill.

  • Cn(S) denote the set of formulas implied by S: Cn(S) := { f | S ⊨ f }, Cn(∅) denotes the set of all tautologies.
  • B denote a closed theory, where closed means B = Cn(B),
  • F (and G) denote a set of facts,
  • rev(B, F) denote a revision of theory B, that does not imply any fact f ∈ F.
Then Gaerdenfors' postulates are:
  • Closure:
    rev(B, F) shall be a closed theory, again.
  • Inclusion: The revised theory shall be a subset of the former theory.
    rev(B, F) ⊆ B
  • Vacuity: If the theory does not contain any fact in F, the revision operator shall not change the theory.
    If F ∩ B = ∅, then rev(B, F) = B.
  • Success: If F does not contain a tautology, then a revised theory should not contain any fact in F (anymore).
    If F ∩ Cn(∅) = ∅, then F ∩ rev(B, F) = ∅.
  • Preservation: Two sets of facts, having the same consequences, should lead to the same revision of a theory.
    If Cn(F) = Cn(G), then rev(B, F) = rev(B, G).
  • Recovery: A revision of a theory should have the property, that adding the facts of the set F after a revision step by F, results in the former theory, or in a superset of the former theory.
    B ⊆ Cn( rev(B, F) ∪ F ).
Dm Step Revision