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Stefan Haustein studied Computer Science from winter 1990 to the beginning of 1998 at the University of Dortmund. He wrote his Diplom Thesis in the Neuros-Project at the Institut für Neuroinformatik of the University of Bochum about graph based robot navigation.
Since April 1998 he works as Ph. D. student at the AI-Unit in the i3-research project COMRIS.
Haustein/Pleumann/2005a | Stefan Haustein and Jorg Pleumann. A Model-Driven Runtime Environment for Web Applications. In Software and Systems Modeling, 2005. |
Haustein/Pleumann/2004a |
Stefan Haustein and Jorg Pleumann.
OCL as Expression Language in an Action Semantics Surface Language.
Octavian Patrascoiu (editors),
OCL and Model Driven Engineering, UML 2004 Conference Workshop, October 12, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal,
University of Kent,
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Haustein/etal/2003a | Haustein, Stefan and Morik, Katharina and Pleumann, Jörg. The InfoLayer - A Simple Knowledge Management System Put To Use in Academica. In I-Know-03, Springer, 2003. |
Haustein/Pleumann/2003a | Stefan Haustein and Jorg Pleumann. Eine UML/XML-Laufzeitumgebung fur Web-Anwendungen. In Robert Tolksdorf and Rainer Eckstein (editors), WebDB -- Web Databases Workshop, Berliner XML Tage 2003, 2003. |
Pleumann/Haustein/2003a | Jorg Pleumann and Stefan Haustein. A Model-Driven Runtime Environment for Web Applications. In Perdita Stevens and Jon Whittle and Grady Booch (editors), UML 2003 - The Unified Modeling Language. Model Languages and Applications. 6th International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 2003, Proceedings, Vol. 2863, Springer, 2003. |
Bauschulte/etal/2002a | Bauschulte, Fabian and Beckmann, Ingrid and Haustein, Stefan and Hueppe, Christian and El Jerroudi, Zoulfa and Koepcke, Hanna and Look, Phillip and Morik, Katharina and Shulimovich, Boris and Unterstein, Klaus and Wiese, Daniel. PG-402 Endbericht Wissensmanagement. Fachbereich Informatik, Universitat Dortmund, 2002. |
Haustein/Pleumann/2002a | Stefan Haustein and Jorg Pleumann. Easing Participation in the Semantic Web. In International Workshop on the Semantic Web at WWW2002, 2002. |
Haustein/Pleumann/2002b | Stefan Haustein and Jorg Pleumann. Is Participation in the Semantic Web Too Difficult?. In I. Horrocks and J. Hendler (editors), The Semantic Web - First International Semantic Web Conference, No. 2342, pages 448 ff., Springer, 2002. |
Cranefield/etal/2001a | Stephen Cranefield and Stefan Haustein and Martin Purvis. UML-Based Ontology Modelling for Software Agents. In Proceedings of the Autonomous Agents 2001 Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems, 2001. |
Haustein/2001b | Stefan Haustein. Semantic Web Languages: RDF vs. SOAP Serialization. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Semantic Web at WWW10, 2001. |
Haustein/2001c | Stefan Haustein. Utilising an Ontology Based Repository to Connect Web Miners and Application Agents. In Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD Workshop on Semantic Web Mining, 2001. |
Scholz/Haustein/2001b | Scholz, Martin and Haustein, Stefan. The MLnet II Training Interactive AI Resources. In Proceedings of the IJCAI 2001 Workshop on Interactive AI Resources, 2001. |
Haustein/etal/2000a | Stefan Haustein and Sascha Ludecke and Christian Schwering. The Knowledge Agency. In Carles Sierra and Maria Gini and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein (editors), Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, pages 205 -- 206, ACM SIGART, Barcelona, Spain, ACM Press, New York, 2000. |
Haustein/Luedecke/2000a | Stefan Haustein and Sascha Ludecke. Towards Information Agent Interoperability. In Mathias Klusch and Larry Kerschberg (editors), Cooperative Information Agents IV -- The Future of Information Agents in Cyberspace, Vol. 1860, pages 208 -- 219, Boston, USA, Springer, 2000. |
Morik/Haustein/2000a | Morik, Katharina and Haustein, Stefan. The Challenge of Discovering Meta--Data. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), AAAI press, 2000. |
Haustein/99a | Stefan Haustein. Information Environments for Software Agents. In Wolfram Burgard and Thomas Christaller and Armin B. Cremers (editors), KI-99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1701, pages 295 -- 298, Bonn, Germany, Springer, 1999. |
Haustein/Luedecke/99a | Haustein, Stefan and Ludecke, Sascha. Kombination von Agenten- und Blackboard-Technologien fur betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen. In Proceedings des Workshops "Agententechnologie" auf der KI 99: Agententechnologie -- Multiagentensysteme in der Informationslogistik und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Agenten-Konzeptionalisierung, pages 9 -- 15, 1999. |
Haustein/Luedecke/99b | Haustein, Stefan and Ludecke, Sascha. Combination of Agent- and Blackboard-Technologies for Buisiness Applications. In Kirn, Stefan and Petsch, Mathias (editors), Workshop ``Intelligente Softwareagenten und betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungsszenarien'', No. 16, pages 231--237, TU-Ilmenau, Wirtschaftsinformatik 2, Ilmenau, 1999. |
Haustein/98a | Stefan Haustein. Graphbasierte Navigation innerhalb von Gebauden fur einen autonomen Roboter. Universitat Dortmund, 1998. |
VanDeVelde/etal/98a | Van de Velde, Walter and Plaza, Enric and Arcos, Josep Lluis and Roberts, David and Strassner, Joahnnes. Deliverable D1a of Comris -- Scenarios. 1998. |