The Adaptive Webbrowser Case

Name The Adaptive Webbrowser Case
The World Wide Web contains about 800 million webpages and that number is increasing by the day. Finding the right information becomes harder, finding interesting sites might become inpossible.
Try searching with AltaVista for websites about "machine learning". You will probably find over 4 million hits! Even if you only try 1% of these and if you would take 1 minute to visit one site, it would take you about 8.5 months of continuous surfing to visit them all...
What if you could use an intelligent webbrowser that learns from your surfing behaviour and could give you advice about links on a certain website? You can rely on its advice and only follow the links your browser suggests. This will surrely save you a lot of time and frustration.
The Adaptive Webbrowser Case shows how Machine Learning can be used to develop a webbrowser that adapts itself to its user and can give advice about the interestingness of a website.

Motivation The Adaptive Webbrowser: Motivation
Problem Statement The Adaptive Webbrowser: Problem Statement
Evaluation Step The Adaptive Webbrowser: Evaluation Step
Data Cleansing The Adaptive Webbrowser: Data Cleansing
Data Design The Adaptive Webbrowser: Data Design
Method Selection The Adaptive Webbrowser: Method Selection
Author Rooymans, Bram
Verdenius, Floor
van Someren, Maarten