Signature | Author(s) | year | Title |
Quinlan/93c | Quinlan, J. Ross | 1993 | Combining Instance-based and Model-based Learning | Weiss/Indurkhya/93a | Sholom M. Weiss and Nitin Indurkhya | 1993 | Rule--Based Regression | Wogulis/Pazzani/93a | James Wogulis and Michael J. Pazzani | 1993 | A Methodology for Evaluating Theory Revision Systems: Results with Audrey II | Mahoney/Mooney/93a | Mahoney, J. J. and Mooney, R. J. | 1993 | Combining connectionist and symbolic learning to refine certainty-factor rule-bases | Wrobel/94b | Stefan Wrobel | 1994 | Concept Formation During Interactive Theory Revision | Agrawal/Srikant/94a | R. Agrawal and R. Srikant | 1994 | Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Data Bases | Fan/95a | Fan, J. | 1995 | Local Modelling | ESS/95a | | 1995 | Encyclopedia of Statistical Science | Weiss/Indurkhya/95a | Weiss, S. and Indurkhya, N. | 1995 | Rule-based Machine Learning Methods for Functional Prediction | Vapnik/95a | Vladimir N. Vapnik | 1995 | The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory | Torgo/95a | Torgo, L. | 1995 | Data Fitting with Rule-based Regression | Richards/Mooney/95a | Richards, B. J. and Mooney, R. J. | 1995 | Automated refinement of first-order Horn-clause domain theories | Loader/Cleveland/95a | Loader, C. and Cleveland, W. | 1995 | Computational Statistics | Loader/Cleveland/95b | Loader, C. and Cleveland, W. | 1995 | Smoothing by Local Regression: Principles and Methods (with discussion) | Muggleton/95a | Stephen Muggleton | 1995 | Inverting Entailment and Progol | Karalic/95a | Karalic, A. | 1995 | First Order Regression | Craw/Sleeman/95a | Craw, S. and Sleeman, Derek H. | 1995 | Automating the refinement of knowledge-based systems | Torgo/Gama/96a | Torgo, L. and Gama, J. | 1996 | Regression by Classification | Quinlan/96a | J.R. Quinlan | 1996 | Learning First-Order Definitions of Functions | Engels/96a | Engels, Robert | 1996 | Planning Tasks for Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Performing Task--Oriented User--Guidance | Zhong/etal/97a | N. Zhong and C. Liu and S. Ohsuga | 1997 | A Way of Increasing both Autonomy and Versatility of a KDD System | Mitchell/97b | Mitchell, Tom M. | 1997 | Machine Learning | Ras/Skowron/97a | | 1997 | Foundations of Intelligent Systems | Karalic/Bratko/97a | Karalic, A. and Bratko, I. | 1997 | First Order Regression | Engels/etal/97a | Robert Engels and Guido Lindner and Rudi Studer | 1997 | A Guided Tour through the Data Mining Jungle | > Show next 25 entries (50 ... ) |